The netball team created a thank you card for Miss Morris before she left the school. This card was created for Miss Morris as she was leaving our school. We wrote things about how she was an awesome coach and how she helped us level up our netball skills. We had good memories with Miss Morris and hope she will visit us soon.
Something happend here..
LI: To learn about New Zealand History.
For reading we discovered some New Zealand History, we chose one of the 36 cards and discovered more about New Zealand history. We chose Ahi Ka, this card is about Ngati Whatua Protesting to take something back that was there. This took place at Bastion Point. Ngati Whatua was disempowered by the Pakeha people and the government, so they protested so they could take back Bastion Point and their land. The people of Ngati Whatua lost their homes and Maraes, people lost there lives fighting to take back something that was theres. Ngati Whatua nearly lose Bastion Point, their mana and land were destroyed and no longer the same as it was. Ngati Whatua had no power to stop them destroying there Papakainga and there land.
Bastion Point will always be remembered for being powerful Māori people because Māori people was not going to be treated how they were previously being treated. They will stay on the whenua and stand there ground, no matter what.
I found this activity intresting because we had the chance to learn more about the New Zealand History.
Collaborative Art
LI: To use different types of warm and cool colours to recreate a world-known painting from Van Gogh.
This week’s art is about Van Gogh and his famous art piece “The Starry Night”. The Class was divided into 2 groups of 16 people, 1 of each group remade “The Starry Night” in warm colours and cool colours digitally.Each group divided 16 pieces of the Starry Night with each person in the group. Working as a collaborative team we gathered all or pieces to 1 DLO to finally reach our desired outcome.
I found this activity difficult to do because we neeeded to get the art we have done and place them in the right place, the art we have done was cool because we got to work collaboratively.
Statistical Investigation
LI: To read the text, gather sort, graph and analyse the data
Our math group created a diagram which shows the top six rivers in Auckland from smallest to largest. We used our collaborative skills to find out the data of each river. We put these rivers in this order from shortest to longest Whau 5.7 km, Puhoi 13 km Tamaki 15 km, Waitakere 16 km, Hoteo 28 km, Wairoa 65 km. We used our knowledge to come to the conclusion on what river is the longest out of the 6 rivers in Auckland, which is Wairoa River is 65 km long.
I found this activity interesting because we worked as collaborative group to analyse the data together.
Procedural Writing
LI: To write a set of clear instructions that show us how to make a hangi.
Title: How to make a Hangi
A Hangi is a traditional formal way of doing underground cooking by the Maori.
- dig a pit but slightly bigger than the food basket.
- create a stack by using the wood crates. also using volcanic stones and wood.
- light wood with a lighter on the stacks in 3 – 4 in different places.
- peeling and getting the vegetables and getting the -meat prepared.
- let the fire burn for 3 – 5 before cooking.
- place the food into baskets. into the basket. Also making sure someone is watching the fire
- put in banana leaves or foil inside the food basket
- place wet cloths on top of the hangi.
- use shovels to transport hot rocks from fire to trap the heat inside the hangi
- After 3-5 hours you scrape the dirt carefully take off the cloth and then remove each cloth carefully off the Hangi.
- When removing one of the last cloths careful for any dirt that may get into the the food.
- Carefully take the food basket out with someone’s help, then enjoy the food.
Today we unpacked how to follow and write a set of instructions. To do this effectively your instructions need to be explicit and the steps to follow ordered. Each step begins with an instructional verb and should be written in a way that is easy to understand.
Make sure someone is watching the food or fire. Don’t leave the food unattended. Always have people to help you.
I enjoyed writing the instructions because it helped me understand how to make hangi.
Class Rules and Expectations Poster
LI: To follow the classroom rules and expectations (including wet day procedures)
This week we did a PB4L poster discussing about the Class Expectations and Rules and why they’re important to follow. This poster is also about respecting the teachers and pupils in the classroom. An example of this is to let the teacher know that your leaving the room or ask permission to leave the class room, It is important to follow these rules and expectations because you can show respect to the teachers and your pairs.
I enjoyed this task because I am giving people advice to do to be respectful and show manners.
Research about Scurvy
LI: To understand what a balanced diet looks like and why it is important for human health.
For our first Inquiry topic for term 2 we did a study about what a scurvy is, how can people get affected, and what can we do to avoid it. We wrote did you know facts to help us be able to learn about scurvy such as, Did you know that 73.9% of the population of North India has scurvy? Scurvy is caused by lack of Vitamin C for at least 3 months. It was mostly common for pirates/sailors.
I found this activity good because I learnt to add vitamin C inside your diet for atleast 3 months.
Moko Ika Hikuwaru
LI:To learn and picture the legends of the Taniwha creature.
This week LS2 have been doing Taniwha art to represent our panmure basin, people say that some of the Taniwhas live in our panmure basin, we wanted to represent a Taniwha called Moko Ika Hika Waru, the Taniwha Moko Ika Hika Waru was described to have eight tails. The Taniwha is a Maori creature/legend that Maori believed to hide in the rivers.
I enjoyed this activity because I learned more about the Taniwha Moko Ika Hika Waru, it was hard to look at different Taniwha to see what details I could add to me and my groups one.
Aretha Franklin
LI:To learn about Aretha Franklin and her song “RESPECT”.
This week I have been doing my CARE Award badges and one of my task for the silver Respect Award was to “Research Aretha Franklin’s song RESPECT “.I found out that her song “RESPECT” meaning was to show respect to your man, I also found out that it was her most famous song out of her 112 charted singles. She wrote it down letting others know.
I found this activity fun because it was really easy finding all the information about Aretha Franklin and her song “RESPECT”.
How to be cybersmart
LI: To make a DLO about how to stand up to bullies.
This DLO shows us how to stand up to bullies, if you are being bullied I would reccomend you to go to a trusted adult straight away. This DLO is always here for anyone who is wanting to see this. This is a reminder for you when you get bullied and you dont know what to say or do. You can talk to someone you trust and tell them what has been happening to you. You can tell teachers, friends, family etc.
I enjoyed this activity making a DLO because it can help many people that has been bullied.