Procedural Writing

LI: To write a set of clear instructions that show us how to make a hangi.

Title: How to make a Hangi

A Hangi is a traditional formal way of doing underground cooking by the Maori.

  1. dig a pit but slightly bigger than the food basket.
  2. create a stack by using the wood crates. also using volcanic stones and wood.
  3. light wood with a  lighter on the stacks in 3 – 4 in different places.
  4. peeling and getting the vegetables and getting the -meat prepared.
  5. let the fire burn for 3 – 5 before cooking.
  6. place the food into baskets.  into the basket. Also making sure someone is watching the fire
  7. put in banana leaves or foil inside the food basket
  8. place wet cloths on top of the hangi.
  9. use shovels to transport hot rocks from fire to trap the heat inside the hangi
  10. After 3-5 hours you scrape the dirt carefully take off the cloth and then remove each cloth carefully off the Hangi.
  11. When removing one of the last cloths careful for any dirt that may get into the the food.
  12. Carefully take the food basket out with someone’s help, then enjoy the food.

Today we unpacked how to follow and write a set of instructions. To do this effectively your instructions need to be explicit and the steps to follow ordered. Each step begins with an instructional verb and should be written in a way that is easy to understand.

Make sure someone is watching the food or fire. Don’t leave the food unattended. Always have people to help you.

I enjoyed writing the instructions  because it helped me understand how to make hangi.




3 thoughts on “Procedural Writing

  1. Kia Ora Mia-Bella,

    My name is Mere-Ahurangi from Kedgley Intermediate. I really loved the way you structured your Instructions of how to make a Hangi. Hangi is one of my favourite Māori delicacies that I enjoy. One thing that I noticed though is that in the 5th instruction I didn’t know if you meant 3-5 minutes or hours, but you did an amazing job anyways!

    Ka kite,

    ~ Mere-Ahurangi

    1. Morena Mere-Ahurangi,
      On the 5th structure you are supposed to let the fire burn 3-5 minutes before cooking. Sorry for the mistake. Hangi is something to enjoy, so i hope you can have the chance to make Hangi with your family. I love the feedback you have given me, thanks!

      Kia Pai To Ra,

      ~ Mia Bella

  2. Morena Mere-Ahurangi,
    On the 5th structure you are supposed to let the fire burn 3-5 minutes before cooking. Sorry for the mistake. Hangi is something to enjoy, so i hope you can have the chance to make Hangi with your family. I love the feedback you have given me, thanks!

    Kia Pai To Ra,

    ~ Mia Bella

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